Togotiki has dozens of meta-data fields for every piece of content.  The following is an overview of the main meta-data fields:

  • Tags
  • Collections
  • GPS Coordinates and Address
  • Description
  • File Title
  • Common Dublin Core Fields
  • Multiple Date Fields

To access and update your metadata in bulk, go to File Library, then go to List View.  From here you can download the metadata for all of your files.  The instructions tab will explain what is available in each field (column) of the metadata.

The Metadata tab in Excel will contain one row for each piece of media in your account.  The first 3 columns in the tab are "Client Name", "Client ID" and "Unique ID" do not change or adjust this information.  The instruction tab will help you understand what type of data can be in each column.

This can be an easy way to add or update GPS location data to your files.  You have two choices if you want to update GPS information for your media:

  • Enter a valid address - we will convert that to GPS coordinates
  • Enter the GPS coordinates directly

You cannot use both methods in the same upload.  Use one method at a time it will update every piece of media in the file when you upload it.  If there is media you do not want or need update then delete those rows prior to uploading the file.

Not all of these fields are displayed in Togotiki, but they are used in the Search indexer.  Our implementation team can also create custom UI displays to show this information, if needed.


Meta Data Column NameDescription of data.
File NameShould be alphanumeric.
File TitleShould be alphanumeric.
File TypePossible values : None,Images,Video,Document,Image_360,Video_360,UnknownType
Primary DescriptionShould be alphanumeric.
Primary TagsShould be alphanumeric, use ':' as separator.
CollectionShould be alphanumeric, use ':' as separator.
Original Creation DateMust be 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm' Date Format.
Date Time OriginalMust be 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm' Date Format.
Timeline YearMust be a Number, can have negative values as well.
Item LocationMust be Text or blank.
Item StatusMust be Text or blank.
LongitudeMust be Numeric value or blank, Latitude and Longitude will be empty if Address could not be found from it.
LatitudeMust be Numeric value or blank, Latitude and Longitude will be empty if Address could not be found from it.
AltitudeMust be Numeric value or blank.
AddressMust be Text or blank, Address will be empty if Latitude and Longitude could not be found from it.
Published ReferencesMust be Text or blank, use '|' (bar symbol) as separator.
SignatureMust be Text or blank.
External LinkMust be Hyperlink or blank.
Dublin ContributorMust be Text or blank.
Coverage - SpatialMust be Text or blank.
Coverage - TemporalMust be Text or blank.
Dublin CreatorMust be Text or blank.
Creator NationalityMust be Text or blank.
Creator Time PeriodMust be Text or blank.     Allow alphanumeric
DimensionsMust be Text or blank.
Dublin FormatMust be Text or blank.
Dublin IdentifierMust be Text or blank.
Dublin LanguageMust be Text or blank.
ProvenanceMust be Text or blank.
Dublin PublisherMust be Text or blank.
Dublin RelationMust be Text or blank.
Dublin RightsMust be Text or blank.
Dublin SourceMust be Text or blank.
Dublin SubjectMust be Text or blank.
Dublin TypeMust be Text or blank.